❖ UniqueBridgeTable
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Use the UniqueBridgeTable CAG Pattern when you have a bridge table that records a many-to-many relationship between multiple tables, and the connections have to be unique. That is to say, the combinations of keys in the bridge tables must be unique.
Create a UniqueBridgeTable
pattern object.
(required) table_name
: A string with the name of the bridge table
(required) foreign_key_columns
: A list of strings with the names of the foreign key columns. The combination of values in these columns must be unique.
Make sure that all the tables and columns you provide are listed in your Metadata, as well as all foreign key connections.
Apply the pattern to any SDV synthesizer. Then fit and sample as usual.
❖ SDV Enterprise bundle. This feature is available for purchase as an SDV Enterprise bundle. For more information, visit our page to Explore SDV.