* Email

*SDV Enterprise Feature. This feature is available to our licensed users and is not currently in our public library. To learn more about the SDV Enterprise and its extra features, visit our website.

Email data represents email addresses associated with real users, businesses or other entities. Emails are a type of PII data. A key consideration is that you do not want the real emails in your dataset to leak. However, you may want to also preserve key characteristics of emails such as the top level or sub domain.

Key Features

🌎 This sdtype understands the domain of email addresses. It can extract both the full and top domain in your data.

🔓 This sdtype offers the novel Contextual Anonymization technique on emails that are Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Browse Email Transformers

Anonymize emails while preserving the domain.

Psuedo-anonymize email data using a consistent mapping that preserves the domains.

Extract domains from emails for data science use.

Create fake, fully anonymous emails without considering the context.

Create an use a reversible mapping without considering the context.

Last updated