* RandomLocationGenerator
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Last updated
The RandomLocationGenerator
creates realistic GPS coordinates from a list of countries. It transforms the real data by dropping all the GPS-related columns. Then when reverse transforming, it generates random, realistic coordinates from around the world. Use this transformer when you want to completely anonymize your coordinates.
: An optional list of locales to use when generating GPS coordinates. All coordinates will be chosen from the list of available countries
(default) ["en_US"]
Create locations from the US
: Add this argument to determine how to recreate missing values during the reverse transform phase
(default) 'random'
Randomly assign missing values in roughly the same proportion as the original data.
Do not recreate missing values.
This transformer takes exactly 2 columns as input. Make sure that you have 1 column with sdtype latitude
and 1 column with sdtype longitude
Worldwide, regional data is provided by www.geonames.org.
Create data from the list of countries specified
For example [
creates a mix of locations from the US and from Canada.
*SDV Enterprise Feature. This feature is available to our licensed users and is not currently in our public library. For more information, visit our page to Explore SDV.