* DomainExtractor

*SDV Enterprise Feature. This feature is available to our licensed users and is not currently in our public library. To learn more about the SDV Enterprise and its extra features, visit our website.

The DomainExtractor extracts domains from emails so that they can be used later for data science. It keeps the original emails so that the same exact emails can be recovered during the reverse transform.

from rdt.transformers.email import DomainExtractor

transformer = DomainExtractor()


extracted_domain: Which parts of the overall email domain to extract during the transformation phase

(default) 'full'

Extract the full domain, which is everything after the @ sign. For example if the email is 'info@datacebo.com', the full domain is 'datacebo.com'.


Extract only the top domain, which is everything after the . character. For example if the email is 'info@datacebo.com', the top domain is 'com'.


from rdt.transformers.email import DomainExtractor

transformers = DomainExtractor(extracted_domain='top')

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