* MetroAreaAnonymizer
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Last updated
The MetroAreaAnonymizer
performs Contextual Anonymization on GPS coordinates. It preserves the broad regions in your original data, while anonymizing the precise location. It transforms the data by extracting the postal code that corresponds to the GPS coordinate. When reverse transforming, it generates new GPS coordinates within the correct postal codes.
This transformer is still in Beta! We have not yet optimized the performance or quality. Please contact us if you notice any issues.
Due to the nature of postal code information, this transformer is optimized for dense, metropolitan areas such as cities. If you use this transformer for rural areas, the level of anonymization may not be enough for your needs. In such cases, we recommend using the GPSNoiser or RandomLocationGenerator.
No parameters are available for this transformer.
This transformer takes exactly 2 columns as input. Make sure that you have 1 column with sdtype latitude
and 1 column with sdtype longitude
Worldwide, regional data is provided by www.geonames.org.
*SDV Enterprise Feature. This feature is available to our licensed users and is not currently in our public library. For more information, visit our page to Explore SDV.