* GPS Coordinates

*SDV Enterprise Feature. This feature is available to our licensed users and is not currently in our public library. To learn more about the SDV Enterprise and its extra features, visit our website.

GPS coordinates represent precise locations around the world, for a particular building or marker in forest. GPS coordinates are defined by a latitude and longitude value.

GPS coordinates can be a type of PII data because they are precise. A key consideration is that you do not want the exact coordinates of your dataset to leak because they represent private locations. However, you may want to create realistic coordinates in similar regions.

Key Features

🌎 Create random, realistic coordinates from anywhere in the world. When you do this, the combination of latitude and longitude coordinates will identify GPS locations that make sense for your data.

🎶 Private GPS coordinate pairs by adding noise within predefined regions, for example +/- 10km away from the real location.

🔓 You can also use the the Contextual Anonymization technique on GPS coordinates. Preserve the broader regions from your data while anonymizing precise locations only.

Supported sdtypes

GPS coordinates are defined by exactly 2 columns: 1 with sdtype latitude and another with sdtype longitude.

Currently only the decimal representation of GPS coordinates are accepted with latitude ranging from -90.0 to +90.0 and longitude ranging from -180 to +180.0.

Browse Transformers

Create realistic latitude/longitude pairs within a specific set of countries.

Anonymize GPS coordinates by adding noise within a pre-determined radius.

* [In Beta!] MetroAreaAnonymizer

Anonymize GPS coordinates within the overall metro area, using postal codes.

Create anonymous coordinates without considering any context or region.

Last updated